So this is a little late going up, because we got done with the kitchen last Tuesday, but better late than never. So Tanner his friend Myka and his brother tore the wallpaper off in about an hour on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday Myka and I painted the kitchen a really light minty green color. On Thursday Myka and Tanner started sanding down the cabinet doors and drawers outside. After that they started sanding the cabinets, however those could not come down, and boy what a mess it made. Anyways, on Saturday the boys finally finished the sanding. Then it was my turn. Tanner had to work and I didn't want to stain the cabinets by myself so I called my dad to come down and help. He drove down from Idaho Falls and helped me, we put a couple of coats on and then called it good. On Sunday I had to wash all of my dishes because the dust got everywhere, so after church I started washing the dishes and finally got done at 11:00 pm. Then on Monday I had to stain all of the cabinet doors and drawers which sucked by the way. I ended up getting sick and so it was just not a very fun day. Then on Tuesday I finally got the rest of my house put back together. This remodel was not much fun because all of my kitchen was in my living room, but it was so worth it. Here are so before and after pictures of the kitchen.
Befores Ugly wall paper we tore down. ( No offense Jill)

Ugly wall paper take 2

The cabinets before.

The cabinets after sanding.

The drop cloth that was suppose to help with the dust control. Yeah right it still got everywhere.

Tanner and Myka after sanding down the cabinets. The both looked like they had white hair after sanding down the cabinets each day.

All of my kitchen in my living room. What a mess that was.


Well what do you think let us know. We love it! Tanner and Myka worked really hard on sanding down the cabinets and drawers. My dad my sister Savannah and me worked hard on staining the cabinets. Big thanks to everyone that helped with the kitchen we really appreciate it.
I give it two thumbs up!!! Looks great! Can't wait to hang out soon! And If I don't see you on Saturday, have fun and take it all inm what a great experience. Love you guys
Wow, it looks so different! Great job on the kitchen. Sounds like it was a lot of work. Makes me want to get mine done...I guess!
It looks fantastic! That was a BIIGGG job. Aren't you glad it's over?
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